Joint Power Authority
Power cost, on average, is the single largest budget item, approximately $9.2 million in 2019. AEWSD participates in PWRPA to better manage costs.
The Power & Water Resources Pooling Authority (PWRPA or Authority)
Since 2005, AEWSD has been a participant in PWRPA, a Joint Powers Authority composed of 14 water agency Participants. PWRPA, among other things, optimizes the efficient use of facilities and resources by allowing Project Participants to more efficiently aggregate, schedule, dispatch and deliver energy resources owned, controlled or purchased by the Authority.
As of 4th quarter 2019, average cost of power delivered to all Participants is approximately 10.5 cents per kilowatt hour, which is 62% lower than the average cost of power in California.
Purpose of the Authority. The Authority has the right to purchase and lease electric power from any agency or entity, public or private, and the authority to provide for the acquisition, operation, leasing and control of facilities for the generation, transmission, distribution, sale, and lease of electric power. The customers of the Authority utilize electric power to convey and treat water and recognize that water delivery and electric power consumption are directly related and that exchange of water and electric power resources is a variable means of managing both electric power consumption and water supplies.
The Project Participants possess the right to receive capacity and energy from the Western Area Power Administration ("W AP A"), a federal agency engaged in the marketing and distribution of power generated by federally owned facilities, including the Central Valley Project ("CVP").
Parties. The Authority is comprised of Parties, with additional participation by "Stakeholders." The original Parties included Banta-Carbona Irrigation District, Byron-Bethany Irrigation District, Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District, James Irrigation District, Lower Tule River Irrigation District, Princeton-Codora-Glenn Irrigation District, Provident Irrigation District, The West Side Irrigation District and West Stanislaus Irrigation District. Byron-Bethany Irrigation District withdrew in 2011.
Stakeholders. Stakeholders are Arvin-Edison Water Storage District, Cawelo Water District, Reclamation District 108, Santa Clara Valley Water District, Sonoma County Water Agency and Westlands Water District. Zone 7 Water Agency became a stakeholder in 2014. Parties and Stakeholders are collectively referred to as Project Participants. Th
New Groundwater Service Program (PWRPA meter for Landowners)
The District is conducting initial tests of the new Groundwater Service Program which allows landowners involved in the District In-Lieu Program to connect to lower cost District power through the PWRPA